"I'm Going to Carpe the Hell out of this Diem!"-Someone Really Smart

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Finals Week..

I think I have spent more hours in the library than I have outside the library. My diet consisted of carrots, wheat thins, pizza, water, gummy sharks, popsicles, candy bars, and anything else that we could grab out the door and take to the library. Study hall may have been the source of our brains deteriorating. We lost notebooks while we were writing in them, we ran into things, we fell off the beds, we started writing about sleep, and drooling on our textbooks. We carried headache medicine around with us, and we had a look of pure sadness and depression on our faces all week. We got kicked out of library's for eating popsicles, and we snapped at each other because of our grumpiness. We lacked sleep, nutrition, and showers. We may have killed a few trees in the process.. but it's better than ourselves right? we dreamed of packing suitcases and leaving on a jet plane. the smells and feelings of home taunted us during reviews, and study hours. The thought of home cooked meals, and warm showers made us shake with excitement. We may have shed a little blood, sweat, and tears..we may or may not have calculated the damage that would occur if we jumped off the balcony outside the dorms. We may have laughed until we cried, and we may have hey telled at 4 in the morning because we were so emotionally drained that we couldn't sleep. But we made it. We made it through the papers, the classes, the reviews, the early mornings, the late nights, the cold showers, the lack of sleep, the bad food, and the threats of that grade point average staring us in the face. Yes, Facebook and pinterest threatened to ruin it all, everything we worked for. But the temptation fell under the mighty click of the mouse. Are you sure you want your friend to change your password? Yes. yes I am. Deuces Hawaii, I'll see ya next year. You've treated me well, but sometimes a girl needs a little family and snow around the holidays. You will be missed. As for finals? Cheers to the freakin weekend.

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