"I'm Going to Carpe the Hell out of this Diem!"-Someone Really Smart

Monday, July 23, 2012

I'm still alive..

I know, I know. I am not a blogger, nor a journal writer, nor an avid share your feelings enthusiast.. But sometimes, most of the time, writing is the only thing I can do that involves emotional honesty..or lack there of. Thanks to a family who keeps bugging me to update my blog... or again, lack there of... here we are.

There's been a lot of changes in my life lately.. growin up and all. Working full time in the summer, having a relationship over letters, getting shoulder surgery, and living on an island in the middle of the ocean. Some good, some not so good. But that's life right?

This post will not be organized, as if any of my other one's were.. but it's a post, and I guess that's a start.

Now that every girl in Utah Valley can go back to having a life on Monday nights, I feel the need to declare my position in this epic battle against class and humor (Jef obviously)and... well, i didn't really get anything from Arie besides his not so modest approach on swapping spit. But anyways... I do gladly, proudly, and loudly etch my name on the top of the Team Jef with One F roster.. all day, everyday. Don't pretend your heart doesn't melt at the site of that oh so "how does he even pull that off, give me some of that life saving, water making, sweet talking" hair of his. He's hansome, charming, saves the lives of people in Africa, and puts on pink goggles to impress Ricki...stop he's perfect. All you Arie lovers out there..it's fine, tryouts are already closed for Team Jef with one F.

Devcon Security, the new place I call home.. my home away from home..kinda. I work, lots of cubicles, ugly walls, extension cords, and head sets... lots of annoying reps, stupid techs, and deaf customers.. but the pays good, and they hire just for summers looks like it's a win-win situation!

For those of you who know me, I am quite possibly more obsessed with babies than anyone else.... in a not so pedophileish way. I love babies, love their clothes, their hair, everything about them. A few days after I got shoulder surgery, still drugged, and not feeling too good, I get a call from my sister Angie to come downstairs. Line along the counter top were four bags. My first thought (it must have been the perocet intuition that was taking over my blood stream) Heck yeah She's havin a baby! She kept trying to lie to shalana and I until the parentals came home, but we both knew the truth.. She was with child.. pregnent.. her eggo.. was most definitely preggo. and I was more excited than my drug induced, pale skin, messy hair, broken shouldered body could show. I am going to be an Aunt.. Thata boy evan. Saving the world, and still has time to give me a nephew. Yes, it's a nephew. I don't care how many more weeks there are until she gets to find out the sex, it's a nephew. And I am going to love him very very much! Welcome to the family, the Yankee fan base just keeps on growing! I'm going to be an aunt! The coolest most unresponsible, don't care about the rules kind of gauradian... i guess right beside his own father. These 9 months couldn't go any slower!

On a more serious note.. this summer has been the summer of realization for me. Things keep happening in the lives of those around me to help me realize just how fortunate I am. I am thankful for the family that i have, and the fact that they put up with me, even when they have every right not to. I am so thankful for a home that is filled with love (most of the time) and the gospel. I am thankful for parents who would never leave my side and who would support me in any situation, big or small. I don't always understand why things happen, I think that's my stubborn attitude coming through... but i've come to realize this summer that sometimes there just aren't the answers we want to hear, or have the right to hear for that matter. Sometimes things happen, to teach us, or the people around us something. I am thankful for a forgiving Father in Heaven who is willing to forgive me for my shortcomings time and time again, even when I am too ignorant to realize what a blessing that is. I am thankful for the people who lift me up and make me better. I am have come to realize that in these times having people around you to make you better is a rarity, and i am thankful to have that advantage, and blessing in my life every single day.

Oh summer 2012.. You're doing just fine.. minus the shoulder surgery and all.

1 comment:

  1. My little sister what an amazing person you are. I love you and miss you!:D and it better be a nephew!
