"I'm Going to Carpe the Hell out of this Diem!"-Someone Really Smart

Monday, January 31, 2011

Pudding Cups and Sticky Clay

My LITTLE sister will be the first to tell me, you, and anyone else who will listen that I am a child. My purpose today is to clarify.. That yes, I am in fact a child. She did indeed have to walk through the halls while her older sister (a senior in high school) ate a tapioca pudding cup for breakfast..and oh how delicious it was. The disgusted look and the "you're a child" I got hit with were highly uncalled for, yet I will do what my mom tells me and turn the other cheek while scraping the bottom of the cup for the last bit of tapioca. I will continue to eat pudding until someone takes it away from me. I will color in my princess coloring book in class and yes teacher, coloring ariel does indeed help me concentrate on commas, parentheticals and whatever else you've been talking about. When I throw sticky clay at your project in ceramics I will laugh. Because it's funny. I will laugh when someone snorts, and I will compare my scrapes and bruises to yours. My favorite after school shows are Arthur and Dragontales. Dora band aids will always make things feel better than regular ones, and nemo is my buddy. Sidewalk chalk is the only medium I am willing to work with, and Kool Aid is not only a bargain, it's delicious. I am Kayla. And I am a child.

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