I recently got a job at costa vida. I have had my share of sweet pork salads, and never really thought I'd want to work there. But when a door opens... you gotta take it! It's been fun, I work with my friends and don't have to work everyday. I will admit, I never really thought about what happens behind closed doors at a restaurant. I have recently discovered that the utensils don't magically restock themselves, and the floors aren't like the ones on Smart House where everything gets absorbed by a vaccuum. Thanks to my manager making me close by myself I have found a new appreciation for clean tables, chairs, floors, and bathrooms when I go into a restaraunt. And so have my back muscles.
Words of advice for the day: paying with 3 different credit cards, having 2 different points cards, and a 1 dollar gift certificate makes a pretty annoyed cashier.. yet I will smile and be patient and hope for you to return the favor in the tip jar. I never thought I'd see a 300 pound biker with a long gray beard adorned in leather, bandanas and chains hand me a credit card with bright pink fingernails... don't forget the time when a family of 6 payed a 40 dollar check in ones..oh the things you'll see at costa vida.
And for the record..you know, in case any of you Costa Vida enthusiasts are wondering-The computer doesn't lie.. I know you thought there were 5 dollars on your card, but what goes on between your ears and what the computer says are usually two completely different things. The forks are in the fork jar, the lids are in the lid rack, and the bathrooms are the doors next the the sign labeled 'bathrooms'. No you can't order right now.. you are not the President, Justin Bieber, or Oprah so you may go wait at the end of the line like the rest of the world. And if you could tell your buddy to get off his cell phone while he's ordering we all might be able to get out of here a little faster. Please think logically when ordering your flan to stay or to go... two spatulas and a broken flan later might just be the recipe for a flan in the face. Let's just say once flan finds a plate, it doesn't exactly want to be moved around. We close at 9. Not 9:01 not 9 and 30 seconds. 9. So please, all you sneaky little people who think they can come in and order a meal for every child in china at 8:59... Yes you're clever. But your cleverness does not in fact outwit the level of irritation you cause us. And now....Here's to the customers who know exactly what they want, and where their money is. And to the regulars who pay with exact change? You make my night. A special thanks to those who get their food to their mouths.. instead of the tables. Not to mention those who smile and say thank you. Costa Vida.. Thank you for the entertainment, free food, and money. Our relationship is coming along quite nicely.
hmm.. i think my family and i fit in with the regulars