college: where quiet hours mean run up and down the hall.
Read the chapter and take notes before class starts means scribble something on a paper with large enough spaces to fill up the page 10 minutes before the class begins.
Where homework time turns into Facebook time and Facebook time overrides sleeping time.
Where there's more hair in the showers and sings. and floors. and trash cans. then actually on the girls heads.
Where space is immediately associated with the planets instead of the room you have for your possessions.
Where nap time becomes a pipe dream.
Where live band is the guy outside your window singing and playing the ukulele at midnight.
Where petting zoo is outside your door.
Where the daily food groups consist of pineapple, juice, pudding, and bagels.
Where stressed is a daily emotion.
Rushing becomes your one and only speed.
Where a stray cat will find water, food, and a nicely made bed, and 25 different names.
Where the people riding the bikes and scooters are automatically "the cool kids". Cars? wait there's cars on this earth?
Where getting sick of a class can be cured so easily a caveman could do it.... "d-r-o-p".
Where walking becomes running and running becomes sprinting
Where friend are made, stories are made, and no matter how early you go to bed, you're still tired in the morning. here's to college ladies and gentleman.. it's gonna be good.
haven't checked this for awhile!! I LOVE the way you think, and then your ability to put it all on paper!!! Thanks for making me smile.....AGAIN!!